Chris Hook palieka AMD

Dar viena didelė žuvis palieka AMD tvenkinį. Chris Hook pranešė, kad jo ir AMD keliai išsiskiria, o jau balandžio pabaigoje jis pradės darbuotis kitoje kompanijoje. Kol kas nepranešama kur savo karjerą tęs Chris Hook. Jis tai žada atskleisti artimiausiu metu.

Chris Hook AMD (ATI) dirbo 15 metų ir iki 2017 metų rugsėjo mėnesio užėmė vyresniojo pasaulinės rinkodaros direktoriaus pareigas „Radeon Technologies Group“. Nuo 2017 m. spalio jis jau dirbo pasaulinio produkto rinkodaros vyresniuoju direktoriumi pačioje AMD. Pranešama, kad Chris Hook pakeis Saša Marinkovič, kuris AMD dirba jau 20 metų.

Chirs Hook pareiškimas:

Hi Everyone,


As some of you know, I made the decision recently to leave AMD to pursue a new role outside the company (which I start at the end of April).


AMD has been a great company to work for, and I owe a tremendous amount to them both professionally and personally. Changing jobs was an incredibly hard decision to make since I’ve been with AMD/ATI since I was still in my late 20s, which is so long ago that ATI still had a smoking room, there was only one TV in the office (a small 14” black and white version we crowded into a room to watch 9/11 on), transistor size was still measured in microns, and 320×240 was considered ‘high res’.


The most rewarding experience I had at AMD was reigniting Radeon over the past couple of years with Radeon Technologies Group, growing its market share from high teens to low thirties, and achieving a record revenue quarter late last year. It was a ton of work, but I’ve never had so much fun, visited so many great places, or worked with such amazing people.


I’m also incredibly grateful to the tech press, who have been my second family for the past couple of decades, and I’ll always remember our adventures in places like Tunis, Iceland, Macau, Ibiza and the USS Hornet, to name a few. I hope there will be more of that one day.


I’ll fill you all in on my new opportunity in the coming days and weeks. In the mean time, I’m going to enjoy a few days of vacation where I don’t have to be constantly checking a work smart phone to see what’s going on back in the office (that hasn’t happened since I got my first Blackberry in 2002).




2 Komentarai

  1. svabas parašė:

    įdomu čia jo buvo įdėja su „poor volta“ ar Rajos

  2. Mindaugas Klumbis parašė:

    Paskui Raja į Intel Hookas, atskiros naujienos nenusipelno 😀

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